Victoria Leigh Julien is a passionate leader committed to developing people and projects for the betterment of individuals and the community. She most recently served as Associate Director of the Office of Career Development at Biola University, and currently leads as a Director in the Orange County Chapter of Project Management Institute.
As an award-winning scholar and musician, Julien earned her B.A. in Public Relations with minors in Spanish and Biblical Studies. After traveling to Europe and South America, she began work in the nonprofit field, later graduating with her Masters of Public Administration. Julien’s leadership experience spans over a decade and has gained attention from academia and professional organizations alike. Earning her Certificate in Principles of Public Relations in 2017 and leading peers as National Vice President of Chapter Development for PRSSA, she was awarded top recognitions by National PRSSA, OC PRSA, LA PRSA, and UNA-USA. Public speaking and management roles have also included her work as the PRSA Delegate (2017), NACE Affinity Group Chair (2019), ASPA Communications Chair for Women (2020), SNAPS Communications Director (2021), and ASPA SoCal Council member (2022).
Myers Briggs: ESFJ
StrengthFinder Talents: Positivity, Communication, Woo, Context, Futuristic (Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach)
Enneagram: 3 "Achiever"
Guiding Values: Courage, Transparency, Authenticity, Empathy, Integrity